Fast Retailing Careers

Harnessing the power of creativity to bring the value of LifeWear to everyone

Our role is to embody the concept of LifeWear at all points of contact with customers; this includes the clothing, stores, e-commerce sites, advertisements, magazines, events, and more. Additionally, to achieve our mission of delivering better products to customers more swiftly, brands like UNIQLO, GU, and PLST are progressing towards internalizing creative production not just for clothing designs, but for everything from stores, e-commerce sites, advertisements, and magazines. The career development opportunities we offer go beyond brand and product boundaries, allowing creative talents to thrive in various departments within the company.

Editing everything
that shapes UNIQLO.

Fast Retailing Group Senior Executive Officer
Creative Director

Being creative is essential in any profession. What truly counts is having a solid perspective on things and for that perspective to remain unwavering ensuring we face things as they really are from the right angle. In an era overflowing with information, the ability to edit to organize information from a single point of view and communicate it clearly, is required in all aspects of the company, from the composition of our clothing lineup, store development, and everything that shapes UNIQLO. Determining whether the information we have edited is reliable and reaches our intended audience as needed is what we perceive as our role as creatives.

Hungry for inspiration and dedicated to making clothes for real people

Director of Global IMD

We are an apparel brand, but that doesn't mean we should just follow trends in clothing. We create LifeWear that is rooted in people's daily lives, and as such I believe it's essential to stay attuned to all aspects of life, including art, music, food, and beyond. As someone involved in visual merchandising and product development, I strive to be hungry for inspiration, remain curious and passionate, and always keep the customer's perspective in mind. We continuously think about what customers are looking for and what they are drawn to. We're not creating clothing just for fashion, but rather, clothing for people, clothing that enriches lives.

Providing the correct answers to questions that haven’t been asked yet, by changing people’s attire and lifestyles.

Manager of Women's Design

When designing clothes, anonymity is something we particularly value.  UNIQLO clothes in particular are not made for specific individuals but for everyone as a part of their lifestyle. There's no need for the designer's ego or insistence. Designing clothes for everyone while preserving anonymity is to provide the correct answers to questions that haven't been asked yet. It's a very challenging and enjoyable job. One day, I hope to make clothes with my own hands that, like HEATTECH or ULTRA LIGHT DOWN, change people’s lifestyles and attire. It's an extraordinary dream, but I want to create a piece of clothing that will go down in the history of clothing.