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Quarterly Consolidated Statement of Income

Last Updated: 2024.07.18
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Unit: Million Yen

FY2023 3Q FY2023 4Q FY2024 1Q FY2024 2Q FY2024 3Q
Revenue 676,153 623,052 810,833 788,165 767,502
Cost of sales 312,079 292,287 368,010 385,744 333,771
Gross profit 364,074 330,765 442,823 402,420 433,730
Selling, general and
administrative expenses
255,970 274,187 301,400 292,672 291,799
Other income 4,578 4,467 5,663 1,675 3,488
Other expenses 2,802 10,603 1,070 1,343 1,090
Share of profit and loss of associates accounted for using the equity method 430 73 671 318 389
Operating profit 110,311 50,515 146,686 110,398 144,718
Finance income 20,769 30,633 18,261 29,011 36,544
Finance costs 2,376 2,434 2,476 2,485 2,890
Profit before income taxes 128,704 78,714 162,471 136,924 178,371
Income taxes expense 38,429 18,448 47,764 42,192 55,872
Profit for the period 90,274 60,265 114,706 94,732 122,499
Profit for the period attributable to:
Owners of the parent 85,126 57,710 107,800 88,111 116,926
Non-controlling interests 5,147 2,555 6,905 6,621 5,572
Profit for the period 90,274 60,265 114,706 94,732 122,499

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