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Consolidated Statement of Income

Last Updated: 2024.07.18
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Unit: Million Yen

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Revenue 2,290,548 2,008,846 2,132,992 2,301,122 2,766,557
Cost of sales 1,170,987 1,033,000 1,059,036 1,094,263 1,330,196
Gross profit 1,119,561 975,845 1,073,955 1,206,859 1,436,360
Selling, general and administrative expenses 854,394 805,821 818,427 900,154 1,054,368
Advertising and promotion 74,436 68,307 66,576 79,267 92,312
Rental expenses 197,840 53,617 62,494 78,347 103,123
Depreciation 48,476 177,848 177,910 180,275 186,872
Outsourcing 46,197 49,686 50,320 55,420 62,320
Salaries 301,456 277,556 285,361 318,618 383,977
Distribution 93,702 94,018 91,375 93,122 106,897
Others 92,284 84,787 84,389 95,102 118,862
Other income 4,533 7,954 18,238 16,951 12,197
Foreign exchange gains - 1,576 2,912 4,727 530
Gains on sales of property, plant and equipment - - - - -
Reversal of lease liabilities - - 1,355 1,444 -
Reversal of impairment losses - - - - -
Others 4,533 6,378 13,970 10,778 11,667
Other expenses 12,626 28,952 25,315 27,391 14,238
Foreign exchange losses 6,020 - - - -
Loss on retirement of property, plant and equipment 650 1,125 985 1,136 917
Impariment losses 3,444 23,074 16,908 23,150 3,958
Others 2,510 4,752 7,421 3,104 9,362
Share of profit and loss of associates accounted for using the equity method 562 321 561 1,059 1,139
Operating profit 257,636 149,347 249,011 297,325 381,090
Finance income 12,293 11,228 23,859 123,820 66,716
Foreign exchange gains - 1,503 19,222 114,324 25,385
Interest income 12,202 9,673 4,589 9,469 41,321
Dividend income - - - - -
Others 90 50 47 26 9
Finance cost 17,481 7,707 6,998 7,560 9,888
Foreign exchange losses 13,107 - - - -
Interest expenses 4,369 7,706 6,990 7,560 9,791
Others 4 1 7 - 96
Profit before income taxes 252,447 152,868 265,872 413,584 437,918
Income taxes 74,400 62,470 90,188 128,834 122,746
Profit for the year 178,046 90,398 175,684 284,750 315,171
Attribute to
Owners of the parent 162,578 90,357 169,847 273,335 296,229
Non-controlling interests 15,467 40 5,836 11,415 18,941
Profit for the year 178,046 90,398 175,684 284,750 315,171

*FR adopted IFRS from fiscal 2014.
*We have applied IFRS 16 Leases from the year ending August 31, 2020, however we have not rearranged the data for previous financial periods.
*"-"denotes items where the balance is zero.

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