Last Updated: 2024.01.31 to Japanese page
Support Employee Fulfillment
Employee Engagement Policy
・Employee Engagement Policy
・Disclosure on Human Capital
・Fast Retailing Group Code of Conduct
・Respect for Human Rights
・Employee Hotline
・Employee Engagement Survey
Respect for Diversity
・Employee Diversity
・Initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion globally
・Initiatives to promote gender equality
・Initiatives for Global One team
・Initiatives to hire people with disabilities
・LGBTQ+ Initiatives
・Collaboration with External Organizations
Recruiting and Developing People
・Priority areas
・Initiatives to recruit people
・Initiatives for people development and fair evaluations
・Initiatives for employee education
A Positive Work Environment
・Achieve Successful Health and Productivity
Management―Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives
・Reducing Working Hours
・Improving Employee Satisfaction