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Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Last Updated: 2024.07.18
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Unit: Million Yen

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Profit before income taxes 252,447 152,868 265,872 413,584 437,918
Depreciation and amortization 48,476 177,848 177,910 180,275 186,872
Impairment losses 3,444 23,074 16,908 23,150 3,958
Interest and dividend income -12,293 -9,724 -4,628 - 9,495 -41,330
Interest expenses 4,369 7,706 6,990 7,560 9,791
Foreign exchange gains 13,107 -1,503 -19,222 -114,324 -25,385
Share of profit and loss of associates accounted for using the equity method -562 -321 -561 -1,059 -1,139
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment 650 1,125 985 1,136 917
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables -6,302 -4,164 15,334 -2,651 -7,535
(Increase)/decrease in inventories 38,145 -2,665 36,749 -50,896 46,908
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables -16,426 18,600 384 114,600 -15,909
(Increase)/decrease in other assets 2,932 10,686 3,494 -7,125 8,354
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities 36,881 -44,567 9,300 -9,531 -3,700
Others, net 1,719 8,776 153 -27,211 10,617
Cash generated from operations 366,589 337,738 509,672 518,010 610,338
Interest and dividend income received 10,533 8,546 4,134 8,520 22,613
Interest paid -3,848 -6,783 -6,101 -7,557 -9,861
Income taxes paid -74,263 -75,460 -80,555 -95,867 -160,368
Income taxes refund 1,493 827 1,818 7,711 493
Net cash generated by operating activities 300,505 264,868 428,968 430,817 463,216
(Increase)/decrease in bank deposits with maturity over 3 months -11,366 -5,212 -2,363 -16,742 -204,837
Payments for investment securities 0 0 0 -117,521 -481,399
Proceeds from sales and issurance of investment securities 0 0 0 0 209,662
Payments for property, plant and equipment -41,567 -46,500 -56,500 -51,271 -61,764
Payments for intangible assets -24,177 -21,008 -19,624 -28,335 -33,542
Payments for acquisition of Right-of-use assets - -1,808 -846 -796 -1,851
Payments for lease and guarantee deposits -7,490 -7,171 -3,979 -5,973 -4,865
Proceeds from collection of lease and guarantee deposits 4,304 6,394 4,542 5,112 5,578
Investment in an associate 0 0 -4,232 - -
Others, net 1,541 -673 407 3,301 -1,381
Net cash used in
investing activities
-78,756 -75,981 -82,597 -212,226 -574,402
Proceeds from short-term loans payable 355 13,472 -3,556 -12,150 -803
Repayments of long-term loans payable -4,433 -4,343 - - -
Proceeds from issurance of bonds - - - - -
Repayment of redemption of bonds -30,000 - -100,000 - -130,000
Dividends paid to owners of the Parent -48,975 -48,995 -48,993 -53,091 -73,064
Capital contributions from non-controlling interests 592 - - - -
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests -8,773 -2,328 -2,342 -11,623 -20,460
Repayments of financial lease obligations -11,377 - - - -
Repayments of lease liabilities - -141,216 -148,248 -136,889 -140,646
Others, net 182 142 155 705 413
Net cash used in
financing activities
-102,429 -183,268 -302,985 -213,050 -364,562
Effect of exchange rate changes on the balance of cash held in foreign currencies -32,496 1,393 40,818 175,015 20,735
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 86,822 7,011 84,204 180,556 -455,011
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 999,697 1,086,519 1,093,531 1,177,736 1,358,292
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 1,086,519 1,093,531 1,177,736 1,358,292 903,280
Free cash flow 221,748 188,887 346,370 218,590 -111,185

*FR adopted IFRS from fiscal 2014.
*We have applied IFRS 16 Leases from the year ending August 31, 2020, however we have not rearranged the data for previous financial periods.
*"-"denotes items where the balance is zero. "0" denotes items where the balance is less than 1 million yen
*"Cash and cash equivalents" refers to cash and deposits, time deposits with a term of less than 3 months, and short-term investment securities
*Free cash flow = Net cash from operating activities + Net cash used in investment activities.

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