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Quarterly Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Last Updated: 2024.07.18
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Unit: Million Yen

FY2023 3Q FY2023 4Q FY2024 1Q FY2024 2Q FY2024 3Q
Profit before income taxes 128,704 78,714 162,471 136,924 178,371
Depreciation and amortization 45,958 47,661 49,312 50,439 51,780
Impairment losses 1,148 2,026 202 562 354
Interest and dividend income -11,085 -13,169 -15,221 -15,447 -17,597
Interest expenses 2,376 2,338 2,476 2,462 2,890
Foreign exchange losses / (gains) -9,683 -17,464 -3,039 -13,537 -18,946
Share of profit and loss of an associate accounted for using the equity method -430 -73 -671 -318 -389
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment 267 398 280 423 311
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables -26,313 34,458 -73,991 74,452 -41,561
(Increase)/decrease in inventories 53,934 -52,269 -31,525 73,591 17,566
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 19,419 70,860 61,067 -92,128 13,791
(Increase)/decrease in other assets 5,796 651 -2,819 3,304 1,524
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities -22,904 15,627 19,941 -2,652 -12,098
Others, net -1,341 -11,499 -1,119 -13,744 -9,432
Cash generated from operations 185,844 158,260 167,362 204,332 166,565
Interest and dividend income received 4,936 5,946 10,861 13,526 12,467
Interest paid -2,047 -2,711 -2,138 -2,795 -2,550
Income taxes paid -50,290 -14,669 -68,900 -21,897 -44,470
Income taxes refund - 493 - 22,028 -
Net cash generated by operating activities 138,442 147,319 107,184 215,194 132,012
(Increase)/decrease in bank deposits with original maturities of three months or longer -11,677 -43,695 -14,622 9,491 -12,143
Payments for investment securities -59,711 -74,688 -114,590 -125,901 -62,394
Proceeds from sales and issurance of investment securities 61,413 68,699 115,038 123,186 74,633
Payments for property, plant and equipment -14,236 -9,898 -20,777 -9,402 -22,894
Payments for intangible assets -8,666 -8,407 -7,921 -7,691 -7,824
Payments for acquisition of right-of-use assets -993 -72 -1,101 -107 -90
Payments for lease and guarantee deposits -1,130 -1,533 -1,360 -1,102 -2,022
Proceeds from collection of lease and guarantee deposits 1,355 1,896 1,396 1,990 1,387
Others, net 570 -861 -471 -217 48
Net cash used in investing activities -33,076 -68,563 -44,410 -9,752 -31,300
Proceeds from short-term loans payable 933 -948 -389 -443 28
Repayment of redemption of bonds - -80,000 - - -
Dividends paid to owners of the Parent -37,975 -251 -50,545 -47 -53,632
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests -10,085 -4,069 - -6,119 -9,730
Repayments of lease liabilities -34,195 -38,592 -38,088 -35,849 -34,828
Others, net 303 20 38 14 13
Net cash used in financing activities -81,019 -123,840 -88,984 -42,444 -98,148
Effect of exchange rate changes on the balance of cash held in foreign currencies 9,614 25,797 10,289 15,507 29,325
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 33,962 -19,286 -15,920 178,504 31,888
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 888,605 922,567 903,280 887,360 1,065,864
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 922,567 903,280 887,360 1,065,864 1,097,753
Free cash flow 105,366 78,756 62,774 205,441 100,711

* "-"denotes items where the balance is zero. "0" denotes items where the balance is less than 1 million yen.
* "Cash and cash equivalents" refers to cash and deposits, time deposits with a term of less than 3 months,
and short-term investment securities.
* Free cash flow = Net cash from operating activities + Net cash used in investment activities.

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