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Per Share Information

Last Updated: 2024.10.17
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Unit: Yen

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Earnings per share 295.1 554.4 891.8 966.1 1,212.9
Equity per share attributable
to owners of the parent
3,122.9 3,643.5 5,094.0 5,939.3 6,574.1
Cash dividends per share 160 160 206.7 290.0 400.0
Average number of
shares outstanding
306,244,827 306,377,553 306,510,285 306,628,124 306,707,010
Number of shares outstanding 306,301,629 306,434,013 306,569,049 306,668,268 306,739,187
Number of treasury stock 11,919,339 11,786,955 11,651,919 11,552,700 11,481,781

*FR adopted IFRS from fiscal 2014.
*We have applied IFRS 16 Leases from the year ending August 31, 2020, however we have not rearranged the data for previous financial periods.
*The per-share data are all calculated using the average number of shares outstanding.
* The average number of shares outstanding is calculated by taking the average of the number of shares
outstanding at the end of each month minus treasury stock.
* The total number of shares outstanding at the end of each business year does not include treasury stock.
*We implemented a three-for-one split of the Company's common stock on March 1, 2023. Data for past fiscal years home been adjusted to reflect this stock split.

  • Net income  (EPS)
  • Net assets per share
  • Cash dividends per share

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