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Enhancing Traceability and Production Partners List

Last Updated: 2024.03.08
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We publish a list of production partners to enhance transparency and ensure proper labor conditions throughout our supply chain.

Enhancing Traceability

In order to make our supply chain sustainable, we work to manage the entire supply chain by applying our own standards throughout the entire production process with respect to quality, procurement, production systems, working environments, and human rights. We have improved traceability by visualizing the entire supply chain from the end product back to the raw-material level, consolidating business with production partners. In addition, we are also building a system that enables us to specify the origin, quality and specifications of raw materials at the product planning stage, and if needed, to trace whether raw materials we specify are actually being used.

Production Partners List

With the goals of increasing the transparency of our supply chain, taking on a greater responsibility to ensure good labor conditions and addressing issues concerning human rights and the environment, Fast Retailing discloses information on our production partners on the company website.

We have been increasing the disclosure scope since we published a list of production partners in 2017. As of March 2024, the list includes all garment factories*1 with whom we expect to continue business relationships, fabric mills that have been continuously producing materials for our products as well as the factories that garment factories outsource some processes to (washing, printing, etc.). In March 2024, we further expanded the scope of disclosure to auxiliary material factories*2 and disclosed additional information (ratios of female workers and of migrant workers*3, parent company's name, etc.) for the factories that garment factories outsource some processes to, as well as fabric mills and auxiliary material factories. We update the list every six months.

Fast Retailing Garment Factory and Processing Factory List PDF (546KB) EXCEL (126KB)
Fast Retailing Core Fabric Mill and Auxiliary Material Factory List PDF (325KB) EXCEL (47KB)

*1 Garment factories represent factories where finished products are manufactured and include both factories with direct and indirect business relationships.

*2 Auxiliary material factories mean factories which produce trims and accessories that are sewed into the garment (labels, care label, etc.). As of March 2024, the list includes factories which are producing trims and accessories which include FR brands' logo properties.

*3 Migrant workers include factory workers who migrated within their country of origin (internal migration) or outside it (crossing an international border) to pursue employment.

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