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Stakeholder Engagement

Last Updated: 2024.06.18
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Fast Retailing works with various external organizations to address environmental issues confronting the entire apparel industry.

Collaboration with External Organizations

The following table shows the list of the major organizations which Fast Retailing collaborates with.

NameDate JoinedMissionMain Activities

※Formerly known as Sustainable Apparel Coalition

September 2014

Cascale is the global nonprofit alliance empowering collaboration to drive equitable and restorative business practices in the consumer goods industry. Spanning over 300 retailers, brands, manufacturers, governments, academics, and NGO/nonprofit affiliates around the globe, it's united by a singular vision: to catalyze impact at scale and give back more than taking to the planet and its people.

Develop and disseminate standard industry tools (HIGG index) to measure the environmental and social impact of supply chain activities.

Textile Exchange

August 2017

Textile Exchange is a global non-profit which accelerates sustainable practices in the textile value chain by focusing on minimizing the harmful impacts of the global textile industry and maximizing its positive effects. It envisions a global textile industry that protects and restores the environment and enhances lives.

Create leaders in the sustainable fiber and materials sector by providing learning opportunities, tools, insights, standards, data, measurement and benchmarking, and by building a community that can collectively accomplish what no individual or company can do alone.

Better Cotton Initiative

January 2018

The mission of BCI is to improve the cotton industry, ensuring a better future for worldwide producers of cotton, for the environment where the cotton is grown, and for the cotton industry as a whole.

To achieve this, BCI links people and organizations across sectors, from farms to retail stores, to achieve measurable and ongoing improvements in agricultural communities, and the economies of cotton-growing regions.

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

March 2019

The Group's mission is to enable brands, retailers and their supply chains in the textile, apparel, leather and footwear industries to implement chemical management best practices and advance towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals by collaborative engagement, standard setting, implementation and innovation.

The Group focuses on implementing the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme, including: ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL); ZDHC Waste Water Guidelines; ZDHC Gateway; ZDHC Academy; and ZDHC Implementation HUB.

The Microfibre Consortium

September 2019

TMC operates as a non-profit, membership based, cross-industry group. TMC facilitates the development of practical solutions for the textile industry to minimize microfibre release to the environment from textile manufacturing and product life cycle.

With a vision that states 'A future with managed microfibre loss from textiles, to the environment,' the work of TMC looks to connect and translate deep academic research, with the reality of commercial supply chain production to offer solutions to its brand, retail and supplier members and ultimately for the greater good of our ecosystems.

(Clean Ocean Material Alliance)

October 2019
as General member

CLOMA aims to solve the issues of marine plastic litter by promoting the development and introduction of revolutionary alternatives to plastics that will lead to a sustainable use of plastic products. To achieve this, the alliance accelerates innovation through public-private partnerships.

The alliance strives to promote: information-sharing between providers of materials and user companies through technological and business matching and sharing previous cases; obtaining the latest technical trends through technical exchange and seminars; international collaboration with international organizations, overseas research institutes and disseminating information to developing countries; and promotion of collaboration between companies related to effective utilization of plastic products.

Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management (AFIRM) Group

September 2020

AFIRM Group is a brand-driven membership organization of apparel and footwear companies collaborating to promote chemical management and reduce or limit the use of restricted substances in the apparel and footwear supply chain.

Provide a forum to advance the global management of restricted substances in apparel and footwear, communicate information about the Restricted Substances List (RSL) to the supply chain, discuss concerns, and exchange ideas for improving RSL management.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Network

January 2022

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Network is the world's leading circular economy network. The Foundation's mission is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, and the Network brings together businesses, governments and cities, academic institutions, emerging innovators, and other thought leaders in a unique multi-stakeholder platform.

The Network provides members with: opportunities to participate in events, workshops, annual summits, and projects; feedback and toolkits to assist Network organizations' pursuit and measurement of their achievement in circularity; education programs for capacity building; and opportunities to network with other Network organizations to explore challenges and solutions for mutual advantage.

Smart Freight Centre(SFC)

July 2023

SFC is an international non-profit organization focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from freight transportation. The Centre leads the global logistics industry to track and visualize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to reduce GHG emissions by 1 billion tons by 2030, and to achieve zero GHG emissions by 2050 or earlier, consistent with the 1.5°C target.

The Centre enables measurement of GHG emissions in the logistics industry and promotes organizational transparency and accountability. It will also promote collaboration among logistics stakeholders to share knowledge and create impact together. Additionally, it educates and trains corporate logistics departments to accelerate the adoption of decarbonization solutions.


April 2018*

*CanopyStyle policy adopted

Canopy is an international, solutions-driven, not-for-profit that works collaboratively with businesses to transform supply chains by removing high-risk forest fibers from textiles and packaging, to keep critically important forests standing.

The CanopyStyle initiative supports over 550 brand partners in eliminating supply chain risk, strengthening their environmental performance, and accelerating use of low-carbon Next Gen materials. Canopy provides brands with tools such as: supply chain screenings; risk assessments; insights on circular solutions coming to market; and the annually produced Hot Button Report, which rates global producers of viscose and rayon across seven performance categories.

Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action(UNFCCC)

January 2020

The Charter of Action on Climate Change for the Fashion Industry, established by the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which entered into force in March 1994.

Articipating companies commit to implementing climate change measures in line with the Paris Agreement across industries.

In collaboration with experts, investors, environmental advocates, and other stakeholders, UNFCCC-participating companies develop and implement decarbonization strategies for the fashion industry by developing action plans, tools, and other resources necessary to achieve GHG emission reduction targets.

Policy Hub

January 2023

The Policy Hub unites the apparel and footwear industry to speak in one voice and propose policies related to the European textile industry that accelerate circular practices.

Working with partners with technical expertise, Policy Hub represents more than 700 stakeholders in the apparel and footwear industry, including brands, retailers, manufacturers, and NGOs, to develop a new legislation, and to facilitate policy consultations for the transition to a circular industry.

(Global Fashion Agenda)

November 2022

A non-profit organization that promotes sustainability throughout the fashion industry, with a vision of a net-positive industry. It encourages all stakeholders to work together to promote sustainability initiatives.

GFA provides detailed analysis and reports based on the latest industry data, and holds a Global Fashion Summit as a forum for various stakeholders to discuss sustainability in the fashion industry. It has also launched the Global Textiles Policy Forum to make global policy recommendations related to the textile industry.

Supporting UNEP Sustainability Action

Fast Retailing supports the UNEP Sustainability Action organized by the United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP Sustainability Action is a new platform connecting citizens, companies, governments and United Nations, which aims towards an integrated approach to sustainability with a focus on global environmental issues and resource efficiency. The platform builds a global dialogue among executives for promoting networking and campaign activities for consumers, as well as, supports UNEP projects in developing countries. By maximizing the action and power of participants, the platform contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute towards a sustainable society.

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Initiatives on Microplastics

Research institutes and organizations around the world are all working toward understanding the effects of microplastics on the environment. So far, it has been determined that when washing synthetic fibers, fine fiber waste is released into the wastewater, which remains as microplastic (microfibers) in the ocean and the natural environment. Microfibers can also shed from garment materials during the materials production processes and when using consumer washing machines, flowing into rivers and oceans.

Fast Retailing recognizes the importance of addressing the impact of fiber-based microplastics and is striving toward minimizing the effect microfibers have on the environment. Our first step is to fully understand the effects by measuring the volume of microfibers shed during washing, analyzing the results, and formulating countermeasures. We collaborate with our production partners to verify the impact of microplastics in the materials production processes and devise solutions jointly. Specifically, initiatives will be implemented through communication with suppliers and other means in relation to the products which have been verified to our own standard based on the verification result.

However, the issue of microplastics is an issue that cannot be addressed by one company alone, and Fast Retailing actively participates in industry-wide programs together with other groups and companies. For example, we are members of The Microfibre Consortium (TMC), an apparel-industry initiative.

In September 2021, TMC announced their commitment toward achieving zero impact from textile fiber fragmentation into the natural environment by 2030. By this time, TMC aims to achieve: 250 signatories; the Knowledge Hub and Global Rating System adopted across the sector; and 80% of signatories adopt and implement microfiber limits. As a signatory, Fast Retailing commits to carry out an agreed level of materials testing annually for the first three years, and thereby contribute data to the Microfibre Data Portal, from which practical industry tools and resources will be developed in line with Microfibre Roadmap targets. We will also contribute to Microfibre Roadmap targets by implementing mitigation actions in our own supply chains, as well as by serving an industry ambassador to establish best practices across the textiles sector.

Fast Retailing will continue to collaborate with relevant industry-wide groups and improve our initiatives with the aim of minimizing the release of microfibers into the environment throughout product life cycles.

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