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Last Updated: 2018.11.30

Fast Retailing Publishes List of Core Fabric Mills

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Fast Retailing today published a list of UNIQLO core fabric mills. The move comes as part of the company's ongoing commitment to increasing transparency across its supply chain in order to help protect the environment, to ensure proper working conditions for all, and to help safeguard human rights.

Since 2004, Fast Retailing has monitored the working and environmental conditions at its partner sewing factories to ensure compliance with its Code of Conduct for Production Partners. More recently, the scope of its monitoring efforts now also applies strict standards to the fabric mills used by Fast Retailing.

Examples of progress made by Fast Retailing to help reduce environmental impact in its supply chain include regular independent testing of factory wastewater to help eliminate hazardous chemical discharges. The company also leverages the Higg Index at fabric mills, a suite of tools that the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) developed to assess the sustainability performances of companies and products, to help lower the environmental impacts of factories by collaborating with them in initiatives to reduce energy and water consumption. The SAC is the apparel, footwear, and textile industry's leading alliance for sustainable production.

Fast Retailing is committed to continuing its efforts towards a more sustainable world.

For more information about Fast Retailing's initiatives to protect the environment across its supply chain, please visit: https://www.fastretailing.com/eng/sustainability/environment/


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