Fast Retailing operates more than 3,500 stores around the globe. With an employee base of approximately 110,000 people, our diverse team strives as one to provide customers with the best products and services.

Global business activities

Fast Retailing has established R&D bases in Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, Paris, London, and Los Angeles to develop world-class LifeWear products for our customers around the world. In addition, we have established production bases in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and India. We cooperate closely with our partner factories, not only on production matters, but also to improve the working environment for people in our supply chain, and to protect the environment.


Employment of refugees
「RISE program」(Refugee Inclusion Supporting Empowerment)

UNIQLO implemented its RISE (Refugee Inclusion Supporting Empowerment) program that employs refugees as store staff. The RISE program aims to create a comfortable working environment, providing language and store training. It also includes training for managers and trainers to help them welcome refugees as staff. The RISE program has helped Fast Retailing to formulate and communicate a clear philosophy of diversity throughout the company and to make diversity a cornerstone of our culture. Currently, we employ refugees globally, including Japan, the United States and Germany.

Employment of refugees

UNIQLO Sustainability

Multilingual Learning Support

Fast Retailing launched a multi-language learning system in order to overcome the language barriers faced by its approximately 110,000 employees globally, and create an environment where everyone around the world can play an active role in the company.