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Last Updated: 2006.11.01

UNIQLO CO., LTD. signs agreement with DAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. on new UNIQLO stores


Tadashi Yanai, Chairman & CEO of UNIQLO CO., LTD. (one of the FAST RETAILING Group companies), and Kenji Murakami, President of DAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. recently signed a business cooperation agreement in relation to the opening of new UNIQLO stores in Japan.
Both companies already have a long history of cooperation on new UNIQLO store openings. However, the recent agreement is intended to further solidify and strengthen that relationship for the future. This agreement should enable us to use our strong partnership to create even more attractive stores that appeal to a wide range of customers.

 Aim of the business cooperation agreement
UNIQLO and Daiwa House are looking to achieve the following benefits from this business cooperation agreement.
① UNIQLO is looking to improve the effectiveness of its various store developments, with large-format stores as the main engine of growth.
② DAIWA HOUSE is looking its provide even stronger support for UNIQLO store development, and to expand its store distribution operations 

 Main areas covered by the agreement
The main areas agreed in the business cooperation contract are detailed below:
① Both companies will determine the target number of new store openings for the year, and work together to achieve that target.
② Both companies will work together to develop the standard store format for suburban standalone large stores. Particular attention is to be paid to the development of such stores as part of UNIQLO’s push to position large stores as the future engine of growth.
③ In order to achieve ①, and ② above, senior departmental staff from both companies shall establish a Store Development Committee to conduct a quarterly progress review.